Previous post you saw on this site, we mentioned that moving forward we would be releasing content in digital e-zine format.
You can check that post out here, if you like. Things have changed up a bit since then, and we've had to push some projects forward and didn't quite meet the projected release date of June. However, to make up for it, we currently have three digital zines available in our just-launched Gumroad Store!
The zines combine previously-released content with exclusive material, all dressed up with new artwork and in a classy periodical format. Our catalog as of today is as follows:

This is the first issue of the official digital e-zine mentioned in this post. It's in color and contains a series of essays and stories centering on concepts of Form and Transformation. Purchase it here!
1) Letter From Editor Rani Baker
2) Murder Is Easy by Louisa Leontiades
3) Monsters In The Closet: Re-Animator by Dorian Dawes
4) Endurance by Marissa Neal
5) I'm The 50% Parent by Jess Mahler
6) Why Critical Thinking Is So Important For Our Childred by Michon Neal
7) So, What Does Make A Woman? by Sparrow
8) Same Species by Rani Baker
9) Six Reasons Why Lilith Is Absolutely My Hero by Michon Neal
10) An Intimate Chat On Polyamory And Politics With The Leaders Of The Austin Vampire Court by Rani Baker

This one was actually released at the end of May, so it was a bit ahead of schedule. This project has the same staff but is designed in a smaller "ashcan" size with grittier topics and black-white imagery. Purchase it here!
1) Internet Trolls Driving Artists To DIY Publishing! by Rani Baker
2) I Love God And I Love Fucking by KC Slack
3) The Monster Is You: Homophobia In Small Town America by Dorian Dawes
4) The Frequent Trauma Of Dating While Black And Female by Zoe Samudzi
5) Glen Or Glenda Is More Depressing Than I Remembered by Rani Baker

A second issue of the black-and-white "punk" zine, mixing published and existing work. Purchase it here!
1) Vagina by Rani Baker
2) McDonald's Sub (a Donald Trump/Chris Christie Erotic Fiction) by Tara Marie
3) Perversion For Profit (A Classic PSA Movie Review) by Kyle Turner
4) It's Not You It's Your Methods: When To Break Up With Your Mental Health Professional by Shelby Bouck
5) Gay Sex In A Men's Sauna Helped Me Train For A Marathon by Rob Clifton