Advertise With Us

You like us, you really like us! But in order for us to keep this thing sustainable, we need to be making some money, honey! 

Do you have a project you want some eyes on? An Etsy store filled with feminist cross stitch? Perhaps you just put out a book? Advertise with us! Benefit from our audience (280,000 our first month) and help us keep going!

Currently we're looking at 3 types of advertising- a text link, which will be on our sidebar with a label like "What We're Into", banner ads (you provide the art, we'll provide dimensions), and advertorials/sponsored content, which will be about 700 words, either interviewing you or about a topic that will include links to your work!


Text Link: This will live on the sidebar of Harlot.Media. You will be able to change the url/text of your link at any time during the length of your ad, subject to our Articles of Harlotry.

One Week- $10
One Month- $30
Six Months- $45

Banner Ad: This will live on the sidebar of Harlot.Media. You will be able to change the url/art of your banner at any time during the length of your ad, subject to our Articles of Harlotry.

150x150- $25 per month
250x150- $50 per month
250x350- $100 per month

We can totally work out a deal if you want to buy multiple months, just let us know when you email!

Advertorial/Sponsored Content: Perhaps you want a blog post focused on a particular topic that relates to your site as a way of bringing attention to it? Maybe you'd like an interview highlighting a new hashtag you've created? This might be a good option for you! One of our staff writers will write the post with your input. There will be a link to your site/product at the beginning and at the end of the post acknowledging your sponsorship, and no other links to other sites except ours and yours.

$150 for a 700 word piece

We're likely to be raising these rates after a couple months but definitely want to prioritize POC, queer, and other marginalized business owners or companies that serve these underrepresented markets. If you start advertising with us now, you will lock down that rate for as long as you pay it monthly/weekly.

Interested? Email us at to get started!