Author Profile

Lace Dagger

Lace Dagger, Writer

Lace Dagger is always on the hunt for baby elephant gifs and new ways to phrase "I hate everything."

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  • An Indian in the Wild, or, Decolonizing The Jungle Book

    "Any Indian reader who fails to distance themselves from this makes of themselves another jungle spectacle, to be observed, to be entertained by, but never to be taken seriously."
  • "When I am 'nice,' I am not listened to. I have learned to be precise, driven, and forceful in my interactions with white women to accomplish the simple feat of being heard; pleasantness is a luxury I cannot afford."
  • "Spices (and other materials) have always been front and centre in the colonial machine. To say Western Cuisine incorporating flavour notes of other cuisines is merely 'an exchange of cultures' is reductive and erasing."
  • "Yoga has been completely stripped of its power, strength, and glaring Indianness, repackaged into a symbol of contemptible, weak, nonthreatening, submissiveness: exactly what a colonial power looks for in a colony."