Contribute To Us
HARLOT was created to elevate and showcase the work of marginalized people. Come pitch to us and be a part of our movement!
We have a handy-dandy PITCH SUBMISSION FORM to help you streamline getting your article considered, greenlit, edited, and published!
Plug your pitch into the little google boxes and an editor will get back to you ASAP!
Right now we are looking for:
Intersectional critiques and reactions to current events (with fast turnaround on edits).
Personal essays highlighting marginalized identities and struggles.
Interviews with prolific people who exist within or do work highlighting/servicing marginalized communities.
Essays, fiction, reporting, and informative articles relating to sex, porn, and erotica.
What we mean when we say "marginalized communities":
people of color
indigenous/First Nations/NDN folk
LBGTIA folk; trans, intersex, asexual, bisexual, and queer female-identified people especially encouraged
disabled people; this includes those who struggle with mental illness
immigrants and refugees
people with fat bodies
neuroatypical people
sex workers
Questions you should ask yourself before sending your pitch:
Has someone already written about this recently? How is my angle/delivery/experience different?
Am I writing as an ally/observer? Is there someone who this issue affects more directly that I should refer instead?Am I comfortable having my ideas and experiences modified and edited to fit current trends of editorial content?
Am I ready to rock?