Author Profile

Kitty Stryker

Kitty Stryker, Mistress of Marketing & Social Media

Kitty Stryker is porn's riot grrl, striving to bring consent culture and feminism to the forefront of her work as a performer and producer. Particularly interested in the intersections between explicit materials, politics, and ethics, Stryker is the Mistress of Marketing and Social Media for Harlot Magazine and has written for Buzzfeed, Fleshbot, the Guardian, the Daily Dot, and more. She blogs at

Author's Topics

  • ageism
  • april fools
  • beauty
  • birth control
  • body image
  • body negativity
  • body positivity
  • decriminalization
  • eye cream
  • fatphobia

All Posts

  • "At best I felt guilty, like I was betraying my queer femmeness by dating, not only a guy, but someone who was pretty damn close to 'The Man'. At worst, when we kissed in public, people looked at him with pity, like I had tricked him."
  • "Have we reached a place in society where the perfect couple isn’t a couple anymore?"
  • Meet Nurx, the Kiki's Delivery Service of Sexual Health

    "We designed it to help people who face unnecessary obstacles when trying to get a prescription."
  • "I’d like to see more survivors using their voices and being given a platform. I’d like to see an end to the ridiculous argument that victims all want to see sex work criminalised, and an end to the unfounded idea that it would actually benefit us."
  • The Porn Star's Guide To Hemorrhoids

    "I want to help other people who find themselves with this condition without making them wade through the weirdness that is hemorrhoid licking porn."
  • Radical Self-Reliance Is Killing People

    "The attitude that other people are entirely responsible for managing their own emotions and you have nothing to do with it is selfish and lacks understanding of how human interactions work. "
  • Eye See Myself: On Cosmetics and the Fear of Aging Womanhood

    "I didn’t believe that any adult could actually be persuaded that some moisturizer is really going to make any difference–but this is a multi-billion dollar industry."