If a white male comic tells a jerk-off joke in the forest and no one hears it, did it really happen? Will no one acknowledge this silent epidemic?"
Feminism, Madness, and Misogyny Within The Psychiatric Care System
MVby Erin Stewart"I felt like the staff were trying to tamper with my ideas of wellness, as well as my identity, in pursuit of what’s 'best.'"... -
"Under patriarchy, 'dominant' and 'masculine' occupy the same definition; by virtue of existing, I am a political figure. I don’t actually appreciate this very much."...
What Arkham Horror Gets Right And Very, Very Wrong
by Dorian Dawes"Fighting against bigotry and systemic inequality can often times feels as maddening and daunting as challenging Cthulhu, but we have to keep trying."... -
"Interesting: it's degrading for a femme or a woman to be self-employed and making informed choices surrounding her sexual agency...but it is not degrading for us to adhere to your rules and roles in order to be a respectable wife."...
Eye See Myself: On Cosmetics and the Fear of Aging Womanhood
"I didn’t believe that any adult could actually be persuaded that some moisturizer is really going to make any difference–but this is a multi-billion dollar industry."... -
"Would people have cared more if I was prettier? Should I have talked more about the violence? Was my story not important enough? Exciting enough? Emotional enough? Did I fail to make my story matter?"...
NXT Superstar Austin Aries invited men to call me slurs and compare me to Cait Jenner for two days because I said I wanted to see him take moonsaults on TV instead of Vine....