Author Profile

Michon Neal

Michon Neal, Gentleman Goddess of Cuil Content

Michón Neal is a minority of minorities: female assigned at birth, mostly black, disabled, genderqueer, autistic, aromantic, pansexual, single parent, kinky, demisexual, poor, noetisexual, polyamorous, singleish, RA, a survivor, intersex, and left-handed.

Michón Neal writes a mix of scifi, fantasy, erotica, and autobiography called cuil fiction about unique people in unique circumstances, with characters running the gamut of non-monogamous and LGBTQIA+ spectrums. 

That’s right: queer and polyamorous fiction!

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  • Why I Left My Child

    "I'm an introvert. A writer. A thinker. And differently abled. I need a certain amount of time to myself, alone, or I begin to wear thin. And now I've committed the ultimate sin. I left my child behind."
  • People like me. Who never wanted children. Who only took fertility drugs to ease the symptoms caused by the debilitating endometriosis, PCOS, and PMDD so that I could actually keep a job for more than a few months.
  • It starts with my values. What I treasure, what I seek, and what I know about myself.