sex work

  • Charging For Emotional Labor Is An Inherently Feminist Act

    "These girls have to deal with men in their lives every day…they don’t listen to them, they don’t even ask them what they want. All we have to do is ask them what they want...."
  • When Porn Complicates The Relationships Of Straight White Christian Hipsters, It’s Not Our Problem

    "It will only be through deeper and broader education, and the empowerment and destigmatization of service workers (sex workers included) that justice and liberation will be possible."
  • Phoenix Goddess Temple Proves Need For Sex Worker Solidarity

    "As long as the law can come for some of us, they can come for all of us."
  • Sex Work is not "The World's Oldest Profession".

    "Prostitution was created and criminalized by men. Sex workers have gone into sex work and been punished for being sex workers largely because of men."
  • "Interesting: it's degrading for a femme or a woman to be self-employed and making informed choices surrounding her sexual agency...but it is not degrading for us to adhere to your rules and roles in order to be a respectable wife."
  • Sex Workers Share Stories Of Clients Using The "L" Word

    "No one ever asked me if I felt oppressed, under-appreciated, or taken advantage of when I was a barista. Yet when I speak on sex worker panels, I can almost guarantee that someone will make it their personal mission to do just that."
  • "It's awesome and inspiring and empowering if you pay for the privilege of pole dancing. But if you make a living at it, it's disgusting and degrading."
  • Whorephobia & Misogyny in Wrestling—Still Real To Me, Dammit

    "Laurer’s high-profile blackballing from the industry shows the punishment and shame brought on women who are seen profiting from their sexuality."
  • "While SW/SW relationships are connective, therapeutic forces to be reckoned with, they’re just as undeserving of glamorization as the sex industry itself."
  • "I’d like to see more survivors using their voices and being given a platform. I’d like to see an end to the ridiculous argument that victims all want to see sex work criminalised, and an end to the unfounded idea that it would actually benefit us."
  • Andre answers the questions of a spouse struggling with distrust for her sex worker metamour and a poly meetup organizer trying to understand cuckolding fetish.
  • by Just Elise
    "I'm just…" he stalled, looking down at his hands, "having a hard time dating someone who used to be a stripper."
  • "Those like myself, who enter law school in the hopes of getting our hands on some of the tools of our oppressors in order to flip them on themselves, try to get in and get out without calling too much attention to ourselves."